Thursday, October 2, 2014

October 2nd: Gelato and a Bat

    I got ice cream today. After class, Idalia did't have any errands to run so I suggested we go the Gelato Factory next to Ari's kindergarden. I got coconut and berry mixed and I enjoyed every last bit of it. After we got Ari, we went home where I took a chair outside a read until I finished Insurgent (the second book in the Divergent trilogy; it only took me two days to read the 450 page book). I ended up burning like crazy. Who knew that Minnesotan skin didn't do well in El Salvadorian sun? Oh well, at least I won't come back as pale as everyone in Minnesota now.
    I didn't run today. Instead, I helped Estela make pupusas and I worked on art stuff until we heard Ari scream. We ran to the living room to find her curled up on the couch hiding from the baby bat that was right outside. I thought it was the cutest thing in the world so I ran to get my camera and went into the small enclosed square with it earning myself a shocked look from Estelita who hates bats. I got some cute pictures of it and then turned the light off and went inside so it could fly away in peace.  Now I plan on going to bed. It's only 8:31 but I am dying of exhaustion and I think a long night of sleep will do me some good.  Good night, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite.

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