Sunday, October 5, 2014

October 3rd, 4th & 5th: The Weekend

    This weekend was all grocery shopping, going to church and having dinner with Nine's grandma and uncle. I finished the Divergent trilogy in under a week and I'm really regretting reading them so fast. On the bright side now I have one less distraction when it comes to school. Too bad I still have 3405978 other distractions so I'm still not on track. I'm getting there thankfully.
    Today on the way to church I brought my camera and took pictures of most of the things that have become a part of my everyday life here. The views, the buildings, the people. I forgot how different it is here compared to the USA. Seeing people walk along all the streets, jump on and off moving busses, selling things in the roundabouts, and having the signs be in spanish have all become normal for me now. I don't give any of them a second thought; that doesn't stop me from thirstily taking in every view of the country when we drive places. I look like a lunatic staring out the window with a wide grin, squinting to read things, gasping at the new things, and 'aww'ing when I see yet another stray dog wandering the streets. My favorite part of the city is the graffiti and the people. Grandma and grandpa would love some of the graffiti here. They have bible verses everywhere and walls saying "Dios venga, alabado sea su nombre" which is their version of "Christ is coming, glory be his name". I'll post pictures when I'm not ready to collapse over my laptop at any given moment.

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