Thursday, September 25, 2014

September 24th: I went for a run again

    I'll start off by saying that I am a professional procrastinator. At first I wanted to be a linguist when I'm older but now I'm thinking that if there is a way to get money from procrastinating, that's where I'll be. Now for the real thing. The blog of all blogs. I woke up this morning (at 7:forty-something, I don't have an alarm but I have been waking up before 8 almost every single day. I think it has something to do with Ari and her tendency to leave the bedroom door open then scream all over the house) thinking I was going to get TONS accomplished; and I did. First I started off my day the exact same way I have been for the past week; black coffee and bread with extra crunchy peanut butter. I think they are all awestruck by how fast I go through peanut butter. It is my go to breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner, and of course, snack. Since I didn't have Chinese class today as it's my day off, I had all day to either slack off or get stuff done so naturally I did a bit of both.
    I sat down with my trusty computer and began my studies . I took one art quiz, did two assignments, and took a test. It may not sound like a lot but that is a solid 3 hours of art. Through out that 3 hour period, I drank 4 water bottle of 3/4 water, 1/4 apple juice. The apple juice is way too sweet on its own and I like a bit of flavor with my liquids and Ari always has it and it just looked so good. After all that art, I decided I earned an episode of or two of Friends so I opened a new tab and before I knew it I was looking at wedding decorations on Pinterest.. On the bright side, I found the perfect hair, dress options and decided on a theme, then for the reception I'll have a subtle Harry Potter theme going on because the ideas were fantastic. After an hour and a half on Pinterest I went to my Friends tab.
    5 hours later, I had finished season 9 and was forcing myself not to start season 10 (the last season). During those joyous 5 hours, I stopped to eat lunch; spicy rice sent straight from heaven and bread. It was so good I ended up eating 3 servings. I also ate around 5 bananas with (extra crunchy) peanut butter. In my defense, the bananas that they have are the size of a three year-olds shoe. I also ate like 5 lychees (Thank you dad for posting the ENTIRE wikipedia page correcting my spelling on my last blog post that I mentioned 'leeches') and I picked at some strawberries. I had all the choices in the world thanks to the wonderful 'order your groceries online and have them delivered to you' system that Nine and Luis Edwardo use, we got the mother load today.
    As I sat at the dinner table eating, I noticed that they had an unknown gust living with them
Meet Lady Frucha. She's a cray spider who lives on their ceiling fixture. At first I wasn't too fond of here but we warmed up to each other and now I don't cringe every time I see her. 
    Whenever the sun set, Estelita ran over to tell me to get my camera and we watched the sun set from the backyard together with Ari jumping around.
At around 8:30 I went on a nice long run around the neighborhood. I saw a line of ants carrying leaves, a cat and lots of guards with big guns. Overall it was a great day, and I hope tomorrow it just as productive.

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